They call me the Hype Girl

Danielle Schaaf’s Story

My name is Danielle Schaaf and this is my story.

I grew up questioning my self- worth. All. the. Time.

Through being raised by an alcoholic parent and later in life going through a broken engagement with the man of my dreams, I believed that being myself wasn’t enough. I truly thought I had to work for love. This misguided my views of relationships and love for the longest time.

For over a decade, I was a highschool ESL teacher, and when it came to attaining language fluency, students always faced one HUGE barrier. Their self- worth. Simply put, if a student didn’t believe in themselves, they wouldn’t progress. Go figure that my only classroom rule was “to encourage one another”. 

It wasn’t until I finally met Jesus and encountered His love did I finally understand I wasn’t created to work for love, but that I was valuable and insanely accepted, cherished, and loved for who I was. *Mind Blown*

I noticed outside of the classroom, I also loved helping people discover their self-worth, and more importantly, developing that worth rooted in the foundation of their relationship with God. People always tell me, “I feel so much better about myself when I am with you. You are so encouraging! I wish I could talk with you all the time!” It was then that I decided that I wanted to do this full time, and “Walk in Your Worth Coaching” was born!

When I help people realize who they are, whose they are, and help them believe in themselves, the sky’s the limit for all they can be and achieve. Whether it be gaining fluency in a new language, being more intimate with God, having their ideal relationship or marriage, or going after BIG goals and dreams. Nothing lights me up more than seeing a client transformed from breakdown to BREAKTHROUGH over and over and over again.

When you live in a state of possibility and a reality marked by abundance, you are truly fulfilled.

And so that is what I’m about. I’m about being vulnerable, honest, and courageous in teaching, helping, and curating others to be like that by using their own gifts and passions. It is an absolute joy to wake up every day and help people live out their purpose and true potential as they discover who God made them to be at their core.

Another way to put it……..

I am the ‘Big ole dose of Inspiration’ you didn’t know you needed 🙂

 So book a call and let’s get talking!

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